Valerio Lucarini

The 2010 Outstanding Young Scientist Award is awarded to Valerio Lucarini for his major contributions to the understanding of multiscale variability in chaotic dynamical systems and the application of these ideas to meteorology and climate.
Valerio Lucarini is author of more than 30 peer-reviewed articles published in journals ranging from the highly theoretical (Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, the Journal of Statistical Physics, European Physical Journal), through those devoted to applying theory and numerical modelling to climate and meteorology (Climate Dynamics, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Journal of Geophysical Research), to those concerned with very practical applications (International Journal of Environment and Pollution). Prof. Lucarini’s work on the water budget of the Danube.
Basin has been applied to the development of flood maps in Europe (de Moel et al. 2009), and his recent studies of multiscale variability in deterministically chaotic dynamical systems is pertinent to the development of stochastic parameterizations in operational weather/climate prediction models.
Prof. Lucarini already has an international reputation, collaborating with well-known scientists. His service to the public should be noted as well as his scholarly achievements. In particular, he is an experienced teacher of courses in math, physics, climatology, and fluid dynamics. His teaching experience includes undergraduate courses taught to inmates of the high-security national prison in Prato, Italy, underscoring Prof. Lucarini’s commitment to the common benefit.