Rosalind E.M. Rickaby

The 2008 Outstanding Young Scientist Award is awarded to Rosalind E.M. Rickaby for her outstanding contributions to the understanding of biogeochemistry of carbonates as recorders of past oceans and climate.
Ros Rickaby is the sort of precious scientist that transends the traditional disciplines with abandon, addressing questions from crystallography and inorganic chemistry, through plankton physiology, glacial-interglacial changes in global biogeochamical cycling, and back through the Cenozoic and beyond. Her enthusiasm is completely infectious, and her thirst for knowledge means that she is never without an insightful question (or 10) regarding some aspect of the functioning of the Earth system or other. We believe that she is exactly the sort of bright, shining star, who is a powerful role model, and fully deserving of a 2008 EGU ‘Outstanding Young scientist award’.