Olivier Boucher

The 2004 Outstanding Young Scientist Award is awarded to Olivier Boucher for his significant contributions to international science efforts in the areas of climate change, atmospheric chemistry and global pollution.
Dr. Boucher has been an extremely productive and influential scientist. He has more than 25 peer reviewed publications in such prestigious journals as Science, Nature, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, and the Journal of Geophysical Research. He also has an even larger number of presentations before scholarly meetings, many contributions to conference proceedings, tweny-six articles in popular science publications, and seven chapters in books. Dr. Boucher has been an active participant in several international projects. These include as investigator in the POLDER-2 and CALIPSO projects, the coordinator of the European project DAEDALUS, and a participant in the “aérosol” portion of the European project GEMS. He was also lead author for Chapter 6 of the IPCC “Third Assessment Report” and co-author for Chapter 2 of the WMO 2002 ozone assessment. He has also served as a member of the Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution (CACGP) of the IAMAS, of the IGACO commission of IGOS (Integrated Global Observing Strategy), and of the GMES (Global Monitoring of the Environment and Security) forum. He is also thematic editor for the Annales Geophysicae (lower atmosphere and climate) and associate editor of La Météorologie.