Carlos A. Nobre

The 2010 Alexander von Humboldt Medal is awarded to Carlos A. Nobre for his outstanding work on Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions,‘with particular emphasis on the Amazonian forests ad their role in the Earth’s climate system.
Carlos A. Nobre is one of the most respected and influential South American scientists in Atmospheric Sciences and one of those playing a leading role internationally. His research in Earth System Science has been largely devoted to Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions,with particular emphasis on the Amazonian forests ad their role in the Earth’s climate system. He has investigated the exchange of energy,water and carbon between the biosphere and the atmosphere and modelled the impact of Amazonian deforestation on the regional climate. He has studied smoke and chemical species emitted from forest fires and their impact upon clouds and radiation and coordinated large-scale international projects investigating the environmental effect of biomass burning. One of the most important field experiments was the Large-scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA),for which he was the coordinator.
Currently he is Chairman of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program (IGBP). Nobre’s outstanding scientific achievements and pioneering contributions towards investigating and modelling climate, in particular for the impact of large-scale forest destruction on South American climate, biosphere-atmosphere interactions and related natural hazards are largely published in high-level, peer-reviewed journals such as Science, Nature, the Journal of Climate, J Geophys Res and Global Change Biology. They have made him renowned and respected worldwide,as did his leadership in developing and organizing the Brazilian Center for Weather Forecasting and Climate Studies (CPTEC-INPE), for which he served as Director(1991-2003), as well as his roles as Coordinator or Chairman of international research initiatives,such as LBA and IGBP. Nobre is member of many national and international scientific and educational committees, and has a long list of honours and awards. As one of the Lead Authors of the 2007 IPCC Report he shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Price awarded to IPCC and Al Gore.
Medal lecture video (Youtube) of the Alexander von Humboldt Medal given at the EGU General Assembly 2010.