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Campfire GMPV Campfire - Meet the EGU24 awardees Thu, 12 Sep 2024 11:00 CEST

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European Geosciences Union

GMPV Campfire - Meet the EGU24 awardees

The EGU Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology and Volcanology ECS committee is preparing the next Campfire talks, which will be given by the GMPV ECS awardees of the 2024 General Assembly.

This Campfire will take place on the 12th of September at 11 am CEST.We are looking forward to hear the talks of:

on Oxygen fugacity controls on magmatism investigated by experiments

on Compositional variations in coesite-bearing garnets from Dora Maira UHP rocks

on New Insights into the Thermodynamics of the Apatite Supergroup

If you have any questions about the ‘GMPV Campfire - Meet the EGU24 awardees’ webinar, please contact us via