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A voting session in the European Parliament (Credit: European Parliament (via Flickr))

EGU news Your chance to spend a week working with a Member of the European Parliament!

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European Geosciences Union

Your chance to spend a week working with a Member of the European Parliament!

10 July 2020

To help promote a culture of evidence-informed policymaking and encourage stronger science-policy partnerships, the European Geosciences Union (EGU) will once again sponsor a scientist to work alongside a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for one week later this year. The pairing scheme will enable the selected EGU member to experience the daily work of an MEP, learn more about the role of science in policymaking, and potentially provide expertise on a science-policy issue.

The second edition of EGU’s science-policy pairing scheme will be with Maria Spyraki, an MEP representing Greece and the Group of the European People’s Party in the European Parliament. Ms. Spyraki is the co-chair of the Intergroup on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development and rapporteur at the European Green Deal ‘Renovation Wave’ for the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) Committee. She is particularly interested in energy efficiency, circular economy, and environmental issues.

Examples of activities that the scientist selected for the scheme might be involved with include:

  • Receiving an introduction to the work of the European Parliament from Ms. Spyraki or her assistants
  • Sharing your research and expertise where relevant
  • Joining Ms. Spyraki or her assistants in various meetings or events that involve European Parliament staff (depending on scheduling and meeting sensitivity)

The pairing scheme will likely take place in November or December 2020. If travel to Brussels is possible, the EGU will cover the scientist’s travel and accommodation expenses. If the current restrictions and limitations as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic continue for a longer period than currently anticipated, the scheme may need to be postponed or take place virtually.

This opportunity is open to all EGU members living in Europe. To apply, please fill in our application form, attaching a CV (max 1-page) and a cover letter outlining your motivation for participating in the pairing scheme, by midnight 7 August 2020.

For more information about the pairing scheme, please email Chloe Hill at


Chloe Hill
Policy Officer
European Geosciences Union
Munich, Germany
EGU on Twitter: @EuroGeosciences


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