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Withered beauty of Badeb-e Surt (Credit: Maria Tsekhmistrenko, distributed via

Outreach Social media

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European Geosciences Union

Social media

The EGU on social media

Activity on EGU’s social media channels, particularly Facebook and X, increases greatly at the General Assembly and in the months preceding the conference. This is the time when we share updates about the sessions and activities in Vienna - you can follow this activity using this year’s hashtag, #EGU25.

You can find us on:

Using X, we share current news in the Earth, planetary and space sciences from respected sources (such as BBC or NY Times) as well as updates on EGU activities and publications.

Like X, we use Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to share recent research in EGU journals, new blog posts, press releases or relevant news.

Our YouTube page is a one-stop resource for all EGU-related videos: from General Assembly highlights to clips from the Geosciences Information For Teachers (GIFT) workshop. The longer-duration videos, such as web streaming of lectures and press conferences at the General Assembly, are also available on EGU TV.

Scientific divisions on social media

A number of the Union’s scientific divisions can also be found on social media. Stay up-to-date with the latest news and research in your division by following the relevant social media account.

EGU journals on social media

A number of the Union’s publications can also be found on social media. Stay up-to-date with the latest news and research by following the relevant social media account.




GChron: Geochronology