EGU Newsletter: Monthly information service for members of the European Geosciences Union

Moving Sand by Vincent Felde. Find geoscience images (and upload yours!) at


The United Nations has declared 2020 the International Year of Plant Health, which it considers a “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” to increase awareness of how protecting plants can help reduce poverty, eliminate hunger, and safeguard the environment. This year also marks the close of the U.N.’s landmark Decade on Biodiversity.

Maintaining plant health and preserving Earth’s biodiversity depend in large part upon safeguarding the health of soils, the most biologically diverse portion of our living planet. This significance is something that geoscientists are acutely aware of. “I chose to study soils because of how useful they are in supporting ecosystems and our well-being and how interdisciplinary their study is,” says soil scientist Olga Vindušková in the August Geotalk blog. Vindušková serves as a blog editor and social media manager for EGU’s Soil System Sciences Division, which we’re highlighting this month along with the Biogeosciences Division.

Research in both fields is necessarily multi- and interdisciplinary, and the results often have far-reaching implications. One example is the capacity of both soils and plants, especially trees, to store vast amounts of carbon to help counteract the effects of humanity’s increasing fossil fuel consumption, as a GeoLog blog and a Great Debate at this year's virtual EGU General Assembly, Sharing Geoscience Online, recently explored.

To overcome the challenges of climate change, the European Commission has developed the European Green Deal, a plan that aims to make the EU’s economy sustainable and Europe the first climate-neutral continent. Accomplishing these goals, writes EGU Science Policy Intern Ned Staniland, will require significant scientific expertise, so he proposes three ways geoscientists can support this initiative’s Biodiversity Strategy. EGU is also organising a virtual Integrating science into the EU Green Deal event on 30 September to discuss with policymakers how geoscientists can contribute to the plan’s success. Ultimately, its realisation will require expertise from many disciplines, so we hope you’ll register now to join this discussion.


EGU News
General Assembly
Journal Watch
EGU Science in the News
EGU Blogs

EGU News

More EGU news items are available on the EGU website.

General Assembly

More EGU 2021 information is available on the meeting website.

Journal Watch

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP)

Reviewing global estimates of surface reactive nitrogen concentration and deposition using satellite retrievals

Multidecadal trend analysis of in situ aerosol radiative properties around the world

Remote sensing of methane leakage from natural gas and petroleum systems revisited

Molecular understanding of new-particle formation from α-pinene between-50 and +25 °C

Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT)

An overview of and issues with sky radiometer technology and SKYNET

Biogeosciences (BG)

The recent state and variability of the carbonate system of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and adjacent basins in the context of ocean acidification 

Rainfall intensification increases the contribution of rewetting pulses to soil heterotrophic respiration

Earth System Dynamics (ESD)

Impact of environmental changes and land management practices on wheat production in India

Incremental improvements of 2030 targets insufficient to achieve the Paris Agreement goals

Relating climate sensitivity indices to projection uncertainty

Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems (GI)

A monitoring system for spatiotemporal electrical self-potential measurements in cryospheric environments

Geoscientific Model Development (GMD)

The shared socio-economic pathway (SSP) greenhouse gas concentrations and their extensions to 2500

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS)

Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS)

Other papers highlighted by the editors of EGU open access journals are available online.

EGU Science in the News

A snapshot of recent English-speaking news coverage based on research published in EGU's 19 open access journals:

EGU Blogs

GeoLog, the EGU blog  EGU network blogs EGU division blogs More EGU blog posts are available at
EGU Science for Policy
Discover EGU's Science for Policy resources & sign up to be listed in our database of expertise to help integrate science into the policy-making process
EGU Meetings Calendar
EGU Jobs Portal
Early Career Scientists website
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