Discover different methods of managing climate change impacts and building resilience, learn about how to write a knowledge synthesis for policymakers, and submit your EGU25 session proposal now!
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Issue 116, August 2024
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Geoscience for the benefit of humanity and the planet

Credit: Camilo Arias Ruiz

Building resilience

Indigenous-led climate resiliece and lifelong learning through climate and disaster risk reduction

This August on the EGU blogs we discover different methods of managing climate change impacts and building resilience; from educating people on the importance of implementing effective disaster risk reduction strategies to understanding how indigenous African people from Morocco are improving resilience to climate change. As Racha Zahira Ammati explains, "Amazigh women have a crucial involvement and influence in the management and use of natural resources, community health, and the preservation of biodiversity. As guardians of the Berber food model, they play a significant role at various stages of the crop production cycle."

August was also a time to reflect on the often overlooked impact of climate change on our cultural heritage and why it needs a greater focus in climate negotiations to resilience.

This month's newsletter highlights opportunities for you to nominate the next Union Treasurer and Early Career Scientist Representative and apply to either the EGU's Education Committee or Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee as a volunteer. And September is your last chance to submit your sessions for EGU25! Head over to the EGU25 website to read the Convener Guidelines and submit your session by 9 September 2024.


Open call: Nominations for EU Group of Chief Scientific Advisors

The Group of Chief Scientific Advisors comprises of seven scientific experts selected to provide high-quality, timely, and independent advice to the College of European Commissioners. They support the European Commission by consolidating the best available scientific evidence that enables policymakers to address crucial policy issues, thereby improving the quality of EU legislation.

The Group of Chief Scientific Advisors is selected for their outstanding level of scientific expertise and broad vision of science for policy, which collectively reflects an understanding of important scientific developments, including interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research.

You can read more and submit nominations for this position here by 18:00 CET on 30 September 2024.

10 steps for creating a knowledge synthesis for policy impact

One of the most effective ways to have policy impact is to provide policymakers with a knowledge synthesis on a topic or issues that they are working on. Knowledge syntheses summarise evidence from multiple studies and from a variety of scientific disciplines to provide policymakers with a clear, concise, and comprehensive overview of a policy issue.

Read this month’s GeoPolicy blog post now to learn about the 10 steps and write your own.


Credit: Michiel Baatsen

"We combine climate projections from 30 climate models with a climate risk model to project winter windstorm damages in Europe under climate change. We study the uncertainty and sensitivity factors related to the modelling of hazard, exposure and vulnerability. We emphasize high uncertainties in the damage projections, with climate models primarily driving the uncertainty. We find climate change reshapes future windstorm risk by altering damage locations and intensity"

Severino et al (2024) Hydrology and Earth System Sciences


September EGU journal highlights


Propose an EGU25 session!

If you have an idea for a session that you would like to convene for EGU25 why not submit a session proposal?! Session submission is open until 13:00 CEST 9 September 2024.


EGU interview: Marine Geoscience through art and storytelling

Featuring the EGU awarded project Marine Geoscience for All, this interview with Fergus McAuliffe highlights how researchers can connect with the public through art, dialogue, storytelling, and education.


EGU Science for Policy Hangout

Come virtually network with those working at the science-policy interface! Register for our next #Sci4Pol Hangout at 14:00 CEST on Monday 2 September.

EGU workshop: Visual Storytelling for Complex Science

This three-part workshop is an introduction to applying visual narrative to data and information, including principles of information design, the psychology of visuals, and methods to visually present data and information to non-expert audiences. Register before 16 September for this FREE workshop at 15:00 CET on Tuesday 1 October 2024.

Join the EGU's Education or EDI Committee

Both the EGU's Education Committee and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee are seeking new members to actively contribute to the implementation and promotion of initiatives within the EGU community. Read more and apply to join the Education Committee here by 30 September 2024, and the EDI Committee here by 10 October 2024.

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