[THE LOUPE] YOUR EGU GEOSCIENCE RESOURCE - JUNE 2024 ==================================================== Tides of change This June we look back at historic and recent changes in EDI and ocean science research, and forward to anticipated changes in conference accessibility. This month for World Oceans Day we reflected on the nature of ocean system change with the EGU Ocean Sciences Division Outstanding ECS Award winner Alessandro Silvano (https://egu.eu/12AW0T/), as he talked about the speed and inter-connection of ocean circulation change, "We used to think that the Antarctic Ice Sheet and the ocean’s abyss were somewhat sheltered from 'climate change' given the long time scales (hundreds to thousands of years) required for 'meaningful' changes to emerge. Instead, recent research shows how both systems are changing much faster, even at decadal time scales." Read his full interview (https://egu.eu/12AW0T/) on the EGU GeoLog. Reflecting on societal change also happens during June, as we recognise Pride Month, and share all the exciting activities our EDI Committee have been up to (https://egu.eu/2QDXDM/) over the last year. EGU's new Media and Communications Officer, Asmae Ourkiya, addresses a common challenge experienced by many of our members; the worry that your speaking invitation is just tokenism (https://egu.eu/083LKU/), and suggests ways for you to handle that scenario (https://egu.eu/083LKU/). Research on conference accessibility for parents is shared on the blogs too, as the research leaders ask for your help (https://egu.eu/9D84DD/) with a new survey! This month we chatted with EGU's new President, Peter van der Beek (https://egu.eu/8GIBO6/) to find out what he is looking forward to in the next year as we head towards EGU25 - our 20th year of hosting the General Assembly in Vienna, Austria! And although it may seem early to start thinking about this for many - the public call for sessions for EGU25 (https://egu25.eu) opens 1 July, so head over to the EGU25 website (https://egu25.eu) to read the Convener Guidelines and submit your session by 9 September 2024. DEADLINES --------- 1 JULY EGU25 session proposals open (https://egu25.eu) 12 JULY Join the EGU Outreach Committee (https://egu.eu/503VIF/) SCIENCE FOR POLICY ------------------ EU Nature Restoration Law – adopted On 17 June, The EU Nature Restoration Law (https://environment.ec.europa.eu/topics/nature-and-biodiversity/nature-restoration-law_en) was officially adopted by the Council. This legislation requires EU Member States to establish and implement measures to restore at least 20% of the EU’s land and sea areas by 2030 and all ecosystems in need of restoration by 2050. It also sets specific, legally binding targets and obligations for nature restoration in terrestrial, marine, freshwater and urban ecosystems. The next step is for EU member states to to create and submit their national restoration plans to the Commission, a process that will also need support from Europe's research community. You can read more about the adoption of the Nature Restoration Law here (https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2024/06/17/nature-restoration-law-council-gives-final-green-light/) and about the EGU Biodiversity Task Force’s contribution to evidence supporting the legislation here (https://www.egu.eu/policy/biodiversity/). European Environment Agency: Call for experts The European Environment Agency (EEA) (https://www.eea.europa.eu/en) is establishing a list of individual experts to support their activities with a focus on the areas of resource use, circular economy and waste, health and environment, oceans and sustainable blue economy, biodiversity, climate, and sustainability transitions. Experts in these areas can submit their details to apply to join this list and may then be invited to contribute to specific tasks and activities. All work completed by EEA listed experts will be remunerated. You can read more about this call and apply to join the EEA list of experts here (https://www.eea.europa.eu/en/about/procurement-and-grants/remunerated-scientific-experts). JOURNAL WATCH ------------- "Our results show that with longer prediction time horizons, the spatial uncertainty of erosional hazard within the entire channel belt increases – with more geographical area falling within 25 % < probability < 75 %. However, forecasts also become more confident about erosion for regions immediately in the vicinity of the river, especially on its cut-bank side." Noh et al (2024) Earth Surface Dynamics GEOROUNDUP June EGU journal highlights (https://egu.eu/10W68F/) ANNOUNCEMENTS ------------- EGU supporting 16 training schools and conferences in 2024 EGU is excited to be supporting 9 training schools, 5 conferences as part of the EGU conference series portfolio (https://www.egu.eu/meetings/conference-series/) and 2 Galileo conferences in 2024. The successful applicants get financial support to help them deliver an event specific to their community. Read more (https://egu.eu/402D1C/). RESOURCE OF THE MONTH --------------------- EGUwebinar: Ocean Conservation How can we create a sustainable relationship between people and the ocean? What does the future hold for our oceans? Revisit this webinar (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTflR3Hvw64) from 2021 with Rebecca Helm and take a deep dive into issues in ocean conservation. UPCOMING DATES -------------- EGU Science for Policy hangout Come virtually network with those working at the science-policy interface! Register (https://egu.eu/4YW5NT/) for our next #ScienceForPolicy hangout at 14:00 CEST on Monday 1 July. Submit your EGU25 session proposal If you have an idea for a session that you would like to convene for EGU25 why not submit a session proposal?! Anyone at any career stage can do so, but make sure you check the Convener Guidelines on the EGU25 website (https://egu25.eu) first. Session submission is open until 13:00CEST 9 September 2024. EGUcampfires! Are you looking for a way to have an informal gathering of your peers, to talk about a topic of your choice, either broadly within your Division, or specifically on a subject within your Division? Why not set up an EGUcampfire (https://egu.eu/59ZKK1/)! Contact Simon Clark, EGU Projects Manager (mailto:projects%40egu.eu) for more information. EGU BLOGS --------- Happy blog birthday! (https://egu.eu/0JA1RY/) Geodynamics Division blog Subimal Ghosh wins the 2024 Alexander von Humboldt medal for unlocking Indian monsoon secrets (https://egu.eu/9NCYJA/) Geolog, the Union’s official blog A conversation with Christian France-Lanord, GM Division Ralph Alger Bagnold Medallist (https://egu.eu/52F11L/) Geomorphology Division blog A modern take on the 19th-century scientific expeditions: cruise MSM104/1 (https://egu.eu/3Y4T7F/) Ocean Sciences Division blog Exploring the Evolution of Rift Magmatism through Numerical Modelling (https://egu.eu/6GAW4F/) Geodynamics Division blog FOLLOW US --------- Web: https://www.egu.eu X: https://twitter.com/EuroGeosciences Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanGeosciencesUnion LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-geosciences-union/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eurogeosciences/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/EuroGeosciencesUnion ©2024 European Geosciences Union. All rights reserved. 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