[THE LOUPE] YOUR EGU GEOSCIENCE RESOURCE - MAY 2024 =================================================== EGU awards, grants and funding – apply now! Don’t miss out on your chance to get funding for an event, training school, outreach activity or journalist’s fellowship, or to nominate a colleague for an EGU award or medal. If you have a plan for a new project in outreach, science communication or engagement (https://egu.eu/3MAF1S/), are hoping to run a training school or small, subject-focused conference (https://egu.eu/402D1C/), or know a great journalist you think might want funding to cover a specific geoscience topic (https://egu.eu/1LL18D/) for the next year – you are in luck! EGU has several grants and funding opportunities available for application before the 17 June, head to the EGU website (https://www.egu.eu/) to see all the details. The EGU awards and medals (https://egu.eu/1WJWEA/) are also open for nominations until 15 June 2024. They cover a range of topics at different career stages, and recognise scientists for their outstanding research contributions in the geosciences. You can also nominate your colleagues for recognition in science communication and outreach (https://egu.eu/9M9JNF/), science journalism (https://egu.eu/7IACWV/), service to EGU (https://egu.eu/2PKARE/) and efforts to improve equality, diversity and inclusion in geoscience (https://egu.eu/068G1W/). Nomination is a simple process (https://egu.eu/5E9QX9/), so celebrate your colleagues by nominating them, today! If you haven’t done so yet, learn more about some of EGU’s incoming Union level staff, like our new Early Career Scientist Union Representative, Dan Evans (https://egu.eu/4ML9NY/)! Read all about what led him to the role, and the special value he thinks EGU brings to our members on the EGUblogs (https://blogs.egu.eu/) today! You can also learn more about Erika Palmerio (https://egu.eu/24290W/), an Early Career Scientist and winner of the Solar Terrestrial Division Outstanding ECS Award (https://egu.eu/24290W/), as she talks about her unusual work life, studying solar storms in space! DEADLINES --------- 15 JUNE Award and Medal nominations deadline (https://egu.eu/1WJWEA/) 17 JUNE Training school and conference funding (https://egu.eu/402D1C/) SCIENCE FOR POLICY ------------------ 10 things that you can do to start engaging with policy While many researchers would like to start engaging with policymaking and provide expertise to support evidence-informed policies, it can often be difficult to know where to start! This month’s GeoPolicy blog post (https://blogs.egu.eu/geolog/2024/05/10/geopolicy-10-things-that-you-can-do-to-start-engaging-with-policymaking-today/) was created with the help of the EGU’s Science for Policy Working Group and outlines 10 steps you can take to start your science for policy engagement today! Upcoming events on the science-policy interface The EGU has a regularly updated External Science for Policy Events Calendar (https://www.egu.eu/policy/events/) that lists upcoming policy-related events that might be of interest to geoscientists who are interested in engaging more with policymaking. These events can introduce you to the science-policy interface or a particular policy area, help you to gain a better understanding of the needs of policymakers, provide inspiration for future research, connect you with potential collaborators, and promote your work and expertise! If you’re hosting a policy-related event, you can submit it (https://www.egu.eu/meetings/calendar/form/) to be considered and added to this list of events. JOURNAL WATCH ------------- Each month we choose a scientific paper published in one of EGU’s open access journals to be our Journal Watch, but did you know you can also access preprints, abstracts and supplementary materials from our meetings and annual General Assembly through EGUsphere? Learn more at EGUsphere (https://www.egusphere.net/). GEOROUNDUP May EGU journal highlights (https://egu.eu/6U060P/) ANNOUNCEMENTS ------------- EGU welcomes our new President, Peter van der Beek and Vice-President Marian Holness EGU is pleased to welcome Peter van der Beek to the role of EGU President. He will be joined on an interim basis by Marian Holness who will be supporting him as Vice-President until the next Presidential elections (https://www.egu.eu/elections/). Read more here (https://egu.eu/98D9PF/). RESOURCE OF THE MONTH --------------------- EGUwebinar: How to visualise your science Want to know how to make engaging graphics communicating your research? Watch our EGUwebinar (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSOSxCTkscc) as Jen Christiansen, senior graphics editor at Scientific American, shares her tips for both expert & non-expert audiences. UPCOMING DATES -------------- EGU Science for Policy hangout Come virtually network with those working at the science-policy interface! Register (https://egu.eu/5DQ36D/) for our next #ScienceForPolicy hangout at 14:00 CEST on Monday 3 June. EGUcampfires! Are you looking for a way to have an informal gathering of your peers, to talk about a topic of your choice, either broadly within your Division, or specifically on a subject within your Division? Why not set up an EGUcampfire (https://egu.eu/59ZKK1/)! Several Divisions are currently seeking speakers, including GMPV (https://egu.eu/2AZ7Z6/), and in the past campfires have been run by Geodesy (https://egu.eu/7RS3XT/), Solar-Terrestrial Sciences (https://egu.eu/7QK8IR/), Climate: Past, Present and Future (https://egu.eu/8IZG24/) among other Divisions. Contact Simon Clark, EGU Projects Manager (mailto:projects%40egu.eu) for more information. EGU BLOGS --------- The climate crisis: about debates, privilege and the need for action (https://egu.eu/6JRJLB/) Geolog, the Union’s official blog EGU24 – A Hydrologist’s Look Back (https://egu.eu/2YX754/) Hydrological Sciences Division blog The EGU Science-Media Toolkit: your guide to overcoming science communication limbo! (https://egu.eu/2G4XH8/) Geolog, the Union’s official blog Evolving multi-hazard paradigms in a nutshell (https://egu.eu/0CEJAR/) Natural Hazards Division blog FOLLOW US --------- Web: https://www.egu.eu X: https://twitter.com/EuroGeosciences Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanGeosciencesUnion LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-geosciences-union/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eurogeosciences/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/EuroGeosciencesUnion ©2024 European Geosciences Union. All rights reserved. EGU - European Geosciences Union e.V. Kastenbauerstr. 2 81677 Munich, Germany * Privacy policy (https://www.egu.eu/privacy-policy/) * Subscribe (newsletter-join@lists.egu.eu?subject=subscribe) * Unsubscribe (newsletter-leave@lists.egu.eu?subject=unsubscribe)