The week of science discussions, networking, presentations and celebration at EGU23 is coming to an end. It is encouraging that EGU has successfully navigated the challenging pandemic years and continues to grow with thousands of excellent scientific presentations made both in Vienna and virtually. The successes of EGU23 could not have been achieved without dedicated research and effort of our members, attendees and exhibitors, from Early Career Scientists to established, senior career researchers. I thank you all for your continued support of EGU and look forward to welcoming you again next year.
Irina Artemieva, EGU President
On February 6, 2023, two powerful earthquakes of magnitude 7.8 and 7.7 rocked south-central Türkiye and northern Syria, strongly affecting the regions around Gaziantep, Kahramanmaraş, Malatya, and Hatay. The epicenter of the first mainshock (37.288 N, 37.043 E, 8.6 km depth, origin time 01:17 AM UTC) is located close to the East Anatolian Fault (EAF). The second large earthquake (38.089°N, 37.239°E, 7.0 km depth, origin time 10:24 AM UTC) occurred only 9 hrs later, about 90 km north of the first mainshock on the east-west trending Sürgü Fault, at a time when the local population had already begun to rescue survivors and their belongings. The aftershock sequences delineate fault lengths of ~360 km and ~180 km for the M 7.8 and M 7.7 ruptures, respectively, rendering these earthquakes among the longest continental strike-slip earthquakes ever recorded. A basin-wide tsunami alert was issued by the NEAMTWS Tsunami Service Providers, and a small tsunami was generated which was measured in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. This late-breaking session will share first-order interdisciplinary understandings of the causes and consequences of this devastating double earthquake event
SM1.6/NH0: Orals: 14:00–15:45 (CEST) Room E1; Posters: on-site 14:00–15:45 (CEST) Hall X2
Europe is made up of a diverse group of countries with different languages, cultures and environmental pressures. As the European Geoscience Union celebrates its 20th anniversary and looks forward to its next challenging 20 years, this Union Symposium will reflect on the current representation of European countries within our geoscience community. The panel will explore the barriers that under-represented European countries face in order to access geoscientific knowledge and resources to conduct scientific research and network with the international geoscience community. By initiating a conversation around the challenges that researchers from under-represented European countries face, this Union Symposium will explore initiatives that EGU can develop to help raise awareness of and to promote the inclusion and diversity of geoscientists.
US3: 08:30–12:30 (CEST) Room E1
“I have truly enjoyed attending the EGU General Assembly, and am impressed with the broad range of sessions, from cutting-edge science talks to the Great Debates on critical issues impacting our community, or workshops with artists in residence! I particularly love the engagement of early-career scientists and educators at this conference.” – Rebecca Hacker, Director of NCAR Education, Engagement and Early-Career Development, National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA (first-time attendee, onsite)
“I dig the hybrid format! The last 3 meetings I did virtually because I wasn’t ready because of the pandemic. It’s makes these conferences more accessible & reduces your carbon footprint.” – Solmaz Mohadjer, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Germany (hybrid attendee)
“Being at EGU23 general assembly is always exciting! Learning, enriching experience, meeting fellow researchers/ scientists across the globe… We are solving real issues which are global problems! So cool!” – Sairam Dhandapani, Council on Energy Environment and Water, India (onsite attendee)
Modern geodetic observing systems have been instrumental in studying a wide range of changes in the Earth’s solid and fluid layers at various spatiotemporal scales. These changes are related to surface processes such as glacial isostatic adjustment, the terrestrial water cycle, ocean dynamics and ice-mass balance, which are primarily due to changes in the climate. To understand the Earth system response to natural climate variability and anthropogenic climate change, different time spans of observations need to be cross-compared and combined with several other datasets and model outputs. This session will present innovative Earth system and climate studies employing geodetic observations and methods.
G3.1/CL5/OS1: Orals: 08:30–12:30 (CEST) Room 0.11/12; Posters: on-site 16:15–18:00 (CEST) Hall X2; virtual: vHall GMPV/G/GD/SM
Machine learning is currently transforming data analysis and modelling of the Earth system. While statistical and data-driven models have been used for a long time, recent advances in machine learning now allow for encoding non-linear, spatio-temporal relationships robustly without sacrificing interpretability. This session will explore the potential of machine learning to accelerate climate science, by providing new physics-based modelling approaches; improving our understanding of the underlying processes; reducing and better quantifying climate signals, variability, and uncertainty; and even making predictions directly from observations across different spatio-temporal scales. The limitations of machine learning methods will also be considered, such as requiring, in general, rather large training datasets, data leakage, and/or poor generalisation abilities.
ITS1.14/CL5.8/AS5/ESSI1/NP4: Orals: 14:00–15:40 (CEST) Room N1; Posters: on-site 16:15–18:00 (CEST) Hall X5; virtual: vHall CL
The EGU conference is planning to return to Vienna in a year. Mark the dates (14–19 April 2024) in your calendar and, over the next few months, check for updates. And don’t forget to provide feedback on the 2023 conference to help us make the EGU24 General Assembly even better. See you next year!
Check the EGU blog GeoLog today to find out who the winners of this year’s Imaggeo Photo Competition are! The winning photographs are also displayed in the EGU Booth in Exhibition Hall X2.
Don’t miss out the EGU Exhibition where you will get a chance to talk with industry representatives and members of other academic, scientific and publishing organisations. Several of the Exhibitors are running special events throughout the week, check the Exhibition events portal for events from lunch time talks (such as the ones organised by ENVRI) to the daily Open Science & Data Help Desk drop in sessions, to ‘Meet the Editors’ events (such as those being held by Cell Press, Elsevier and Nature).
List of Exhibitors.
EGU Today helps you keep up with the many activities at the General Assembly by highlighting sessions and events from the programme. If you have comments, email the editor Hazel Gibson at The newsletter is available at, on the EGUapp and on screens around the conference centre.