Plan S, devised by a coalition of research funders with support from the European Commission and European Research Council, demands that by January 1, 2020 research supported by participating funders must be published in Open Access journals. The panelists – David Sweeney (Executive Chair of Research England), Heike Langenberg (Chief Editor of Nature Geoscience), Marc Schiltz (President of Science Europe) and Brooks Hanson (Executive Vice President for Science for the American Geophysical Union) – will present the case for and against mandatory Open Access followed by an open debate with questions and comments from the audience.
GDB5: 16:15–18:00 Room E1
Research in atmospheric composition is becoming increasingly cross-cutting and linked to many disciplines including climate, biogeosciences, hydrology, natural hazards, computer and data sciences, socio-economic studies and many others. While atmospheric composition research is advancing rapidly, there is a need to pay more attention to the translation of this research to support societal needs. In this Union Symposium, we plan to highlight the need for, and to illustrate exciting advances in the translation of atmospheric composition research to support services. This session will also serve as a celebration of the 30 year anniversary of the World Meteorological Organization Global Atmosphere Watch (WOM–GAW) programme.
US5: 10:45–12:15, 14:00–15:30 Room E1
The Tibetan Plateau and surrounding mountain regions, known as the Third Pole, cover an area of > 5 million km2 and are considered to be the water tower of Asia. The Pan Third Pole expands on both the north-south and the east-west directions covering an area of about 20 million km2. Like the Arctic and Antarctica, the Pan Third Pole’s environment is extremely sensitive to global climate change. Co-sponsored by TPE (Third Pole Environment), this session is dedicated to studies of Pan Third Pole atmosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere and their interactions with global change.
Orals / 08:30–10:15, 10:45–12:30 Room L7,
Posters / Wed, 08:30–10:15 Hall X5
In December 2017, the UN General Assembly proclaimed the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). This decision represents a consensus by the global community on the importance, necessity and key role of ocean science and observations for ocean stewardship and society as a whole. This town hall seeks to raise awareness of the opportunities presented by the Decade, and to encourage the participation of EGU scientists in its planning stages.
TM2: 19:00–20:00 Room 1.85
This session focuses on urban ecohydrological problems and approaches to solve them, spanning from technical to nature-based solutions in different time and spatial scales from the building to the whole city.
Orals / 08:30–10:15, 10:45–12:30 Room N1
Posters / Wed, 10:45–12:30 Hall A
Wildfire is a global phenomenon responsible in each summer for tremendous environmental, social and economic losses. This session will join researchers that study fire effects on the ecosystems, from prevention to suppression, wildfire modelling, climate change impacts on fire and post-wildfire impacts, either by means of laboratory, field experiments, or numerical modelling.
SSS10.10: Orals / 08:30–10:15 Room -2.32
Posters / 10:45–12:30 Hall X1
The scope of this session is to bring together state-of-the-art research efforts to better understand how the short-term rate variability that is often recorded on the Earth’s surface integrates to produce uniform large-scale active tectonic processes (i.e. subduction, collision, rifting, transform faulting).
TS4.2: Orals / 16:15–18:00 Room K1
Posters 10:45–12:30 Hall X2
This session features abstracts that consider how to observe, model and analyse interactions of people and water, and the effects of social and environmental changes on hydrological systems. It is organised as part of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) Panta Rhei hydrological decade 2013–2022, and focuses on gains in our understanding of dynamic human-water systems.
HS1.2.2: PICOs / 08:30–10:15 PICO spot 5b
The session features contributions on the use of data from Low-Earth-Orbiting (LEO) satellites making measurements in the thermosphere-ionosphere to investigate ionospheric anomalies related to space weather, geophysical and artificial sources.
NH6.9: Orals / 16:15–18:00 Room M2
Posters / 08:30–10:15 Hall X3
During the sixties, the new Plate Tectonics paradigm was established. At a 2018 international meeting, discussions arose on whether for the first time it would be possible to relate without ambiguity plate tectonics and mantle dynamics. In this presentation, Le Pichon shares this point of view and explains why he does so.
SAL1: 19:00–20:00 Room E1
EGU booth Hall X2
Exhibition booths (open Mon–Thu, 10:00–19:00 and Fri, 10:00–13:00) for companies, publishers, research facilities, and scientific organisations, are scattered throughout the brown (basement), yellow (ground floor), and green (first floor) levels. You will find the EGU booth, and a number of other exhibition booths, in the EGU & Friends exhibition area (similar opening hours, some booths open until 19:00 on Friday) in Hall X2. This is the place to go to meet the faces of the European Geosciences Union and learn more about what the EGU does, including outside the EGU meeting. During the networking time slot (18:00–19:00), there will be a number of receptions at the booth. At the same time, at the virtual reality station nearby, you’ll have the chance to experience different geological landscapes in virtual reality with Fabio Bonali, one of the winners of the EGU Public Engagement Grants 2018, and his team.
EGU Today helps you keep up with the many activities at the General Assembly by highlighting sessions and events from the programme. If you have comments, email the editor Bárbara Ferreira at The newsletter is available at, on the EGU General Assembly mobile app, and on screens around the conference centre.