Scientific sessions format

  • All sessions in the new format will be 'short oral' presentations, they can be delivered and viewed either online or in-person.
  • Each 1.5-hour timeslot will have between 15 and 20 abstracts, all to be presented orally (either online or in-person). There will be a default structure in which all talks will be approximately 5 mins long with some time for discussion and questions, however other options will be available for invited speakers. More information about this will be available soon.
  • In-person presentations will be delivered orally in a lecture room. There may be restrictions on the number of people who can attend an in-person oral session, depending on the size of the room and the hygiene restrictions at the time of the meeting. Questions asked by online participants will be presented in-person by the session conveners.
  • Online presentations will be live-streamed into the lecture rooms by conference assistants, with microphones that will allow online speakers to interact with in-person attendees who have questions.
  • All sessions will be streamed live via the online conference centre so that virtual attendees can fully participate. Individual discussions with authors will additionally be possible through individual text chat rooms hosted in the authors Display materials space.
  • All scientific sessions will offer the possibility of uploading presentation materials during a 2-month period starting 1 month prior to the General Assembly. Besides presentation materials (*.pdf, *.ppt/pptx, *.pps/ppsx, *.png, or *.mp4 files), authors can additionally provide a pre-recorded presentation that will be housed on the Copernicus Vimeo channel. During this 2-month period, uploaded files will be accessible to registered conference attendees. If authors opt for the open-access Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), their presentation materials subsequently become openly accessible to everyone through EGUsphere at the end of the two-month period.
  • For all uploaded presentation materials, authors can opt to allow comments. The community can then comment on presentations during a 2-month period starting 1 month prior to the General Assembly. As for the uploaded files, commenting is only accessible to registered conference attendees (both in-person and virtual) during this period.
  • Due to hygiene restrictions, we are not able to organise the poster sessions and vPICO sessions in the open halls this year. This new format is NOT intended to replace the poster and vPICO presentations and does not in any way diminish their value, given EGU’s commitment to the equal importance of the various presentation formats.

Union-wide events

  • Union Symposia, Great Debates, and stand-alone Medal and Award Lectures will take place in lecture rooms inside the conference centre. These sessions will be live-streamed as in previous years so that virtual attendees can follow them in real time. Recordings from these sessions will also be available for on-demand viewing by registered conference attendees during and after the General Assembly (until 30 June 2022).
  • Short courses will be delivered both online and in-person. Some short courses will be pre-recorded and run virtually only.

Withdrawal and session moving of EGU22 abstracts following the change of date

  • If you can no longer attend the EGU22 General Assembly because of the change of date and format, you are entitled to a full refund of your Abstract Processing Charge (APC) and EGU membership. An EGU membership provides benefits beyond letting you submit an abstract to the General Assembly, so we do not assume that anyone seeking withdrawal and refund of the Abstract Processing Charge (APC) automatically wishes to have their membership refunded as well. If you intend to withdraw your abstract and also wish to claim your membership fee back, this is not a problem, just mention it when requesting your refund.
  • To receive your refund, please email by 26 January 2022, 13:00 CET, including your Abstract ID and your wish for a refund. You will then be contacted by Copernicus who will provide details of next steps.
  • All lead authors will also have received an email with details of the change of date and format of EGU22 – you can request a refund by replying to that email with your request by 26 January 2022, 13:00 CET.
  • If you wish to move your abstract to a different session now that all sessions have the same hybrid in-person and online format, please email before 26 January 2022, 13:00 CET with your Abstract ID and the details of the session you wish to move to.