Jennifer Holden
Postdoctoral Fellow of the European Geosciences Union
March 2011 – December 2011
The first EGU Fellowship was held by Jennifer Holden in 2011. A British national, she had recently completed her PhD in the Department of Geography, King’s College London, UK on Environmental Hazards (heavy-metal contamination). During her time at EGU she developed outreach networks with young and female scientists within the Union. These have included fostering relationships with discipline specific young scientists groups and beginning a Women in Geoscience Mentoring programme.
Alongside these activities, Jennifer coordinated and further developed EGU’s social media activities, focusing on the General Assembly. She had begun these on a voluntary basis for the General Assembly 2010 but during her fellowship she increased the activity on existing platforms (Twitter and blogging) and added new platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube).
Other activities during the time spent at the Executive Office included merchandise design, attending affiliate organisation conferences, and providing general support to the Executive Secretary. Before joining the EGU office, Jennifer was involved in EGU activities as a member of the General Assembly Programme Committee (representing Young Scientists), and by being a scientific secretary and session convener within the Natural Hazards Division.