Philipp Kempf

SM Seismology
The 2013 Outstanding Student Poster (OSP) Award is awarded to Philipp Kempf for the poster/PICO entitled:
1960 Valdivia earthquake tsunami deposits from two coastal lakes and preliminary results for an extended paleo-tsunami record of south-central Chile (Kempf, P.; Moernaut, J.; Vandoorne, W.; Van Daele, M.; Strasser, M.; Pino, M.; Urrutia, R.; De Batist; M.)
Click here to download the poster/PICO file.
Philipp Kempf is a PhD student at the Renard Centre of Marine Geology (RCMG) at Ghent University in Belgium and is promoted by Professor Marc De Batist. His PhD project focuses on paleo-tsunami deposits within coastal lakes along the megathrust earthquake-prone south-central Chilean coast. In his poster at EGU2013 he presented preliminary results from a survey on the island of Chiloé in which he integrated sidescan sonar data, sub-bottom profiles and various sediment core analyses, e.g. x-radiography and magnetic susceptibility. The aspects discussed were 1) the sedimentary characteristics and features found in tsunami deposits from lake-inundating wave trains and 2) a paleo-tsunami record with 18 event deposits complementing and extending the existing record for the Valdivia segment.