Raúl Zornoza Belmonte

SSS Soil System Sciences
The 2013 Division Outstanding Young Scientist Award is awarded to Raúl Zornoza Belmonte for innovative contributions in soil science, particularly regarding the development of soil quality indices by using methodologies that combine physical, chemical, microbial, and biochemical soil properties.
Raúl Zornoza Belmonte is highly respected as a researcher in the field of soil science. He has authored several important research articles, including some in the journal Soil Biology and Biochemistry, the highest impact factor publication in soil sciences, and is widely cited by other scientists.
From 2006 to 2012 he has published 28 international peer-reviewed articles, with nine being directly extracted from his PhD thesis. Zornoza Belmonte is a frequent invited speaker at international conferences who has supported the EGU as oral and poster author and session co-convener at the 2011 and 2012 General Assemblies. In his still short but rich career, one of the main highlights is the number of stays abroad in prestigious soil science departments of universities and research centres, including Davis, California, US in 2004 and 2005, Hohenheim, Germany in 2006, and Florence, Italy in 2008-2009.