Nicolas Brantut

EMRP Earth Magnetism & Rock Physics
The 2013 Division Outstanding Young Scientist Award is awarded to Nicolas Brantut for fundamental contributions that elucidated the role of fluids in deep geological processes.
Nicolas Brantut has greatly elucidated the role of fluids in deep geological processes, mainly dehydration, through the use of novel laboratory techniques allied to new models. It is this combination that truly sets Brantut apart from his peers. Not only has he carried out new laboratory studies to support his findings, he has successfully derived new and insightful models into the process, working on a level of some of the most knowledgeable experts in the field on this problem, including Jim Rice at Harvard with whom he has a significant joint publication.
Considering the short time that has elapsed since he completed his PhD, Brantut has produced a remarkable series papers in high-quality journals, many of which are ideas he has cultivated on his own. It is quite clear that Brantut is an outstanding young scientist of the highest calibre.