
Meet the EGU’s new Science Policy Fellow

Sarah_Vienna_2015I seem to have moved to Munich at the perfect time – glorious weather and three weeks before Oktoberfest! My name is Sarah and I’ve joined EGU as their Science Policy Fellow – a position created to implement science-policy related activities for EGU scientists.

Before Munich, I studied a Masters in Chemistry at the University of York, which included my final year being spent in industry working in organic synthesis. I realised I wanted to get back into academia during a year off after my undergraduate degree. I then went to the University of Cambridge to study for a PhD in atmospheric chemistry. I have just submitted my thesis which focused on the development of a new technique to estimate methane emissions on a regional scale.

During my PhD I spent three months interning at the UK Centre for Science and Policy (CSaP); an organisation which aims to bridge the gap between academia and government by promoting engagement between researchers and policy makers. This internship gave me a real insight into the science policy interface, and the challenges being faced on both sides. I look forward to implementing new activities for the EGU which will inform and advise policymakers on the European level.

If you have any questions about our plans, or any suggestions, please feel free to email me at

Sarah Connors is Science Officer in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group 1 Technical Support Unit (and former EGU Science Policy Officer). Her PhD thesis was in atmospheric chemistry where she researched into UK methane emissions. Sarah tweets at @connorsSL.


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