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About EGU Elections

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European Geosciences Union


Extraordinary Election 2025 for the ESSI Division

The current Earth and Space Science Informatics Division Deputy President, who was elected during the election held in autumn 2023 and who would have been inaugurated as ESSI Division President in April 2025, has resigned from her role. As a consequence, an extraordinary election in 2025 for the role of ESSI Division President is being organised.

The extraordinary election will take place from about 31 March until 23 April 2025. The elected candidate will be inaugurated as the ESSI Division President during the EGU plenary meeting on 28 April 2025 in Vienna, Austria. Given the very short handover period, they will receive particular support from both the current ESSI Division officers and from other members of EGU governance as they begin their roles. They will serve for a two-year term (2025–2027), and may subsequently stand for re-election for a further two years.

As a first step, EGU kindly asks you to propose a candidate for the vacant position by 17 March 2025. You are welcome, and encouraged, to nominate yourself. If you propose someone else, please seek their consent before doing so. Candidates should have some experience of volunteer work within the ESSI EGU Division. A description of the role can be found

The suitability for this role of nominated candidates will be assessed by EGU Council before they are permitted to stand for election.

Call for candidates

You are kindly asked to propose a candidate to any vacancy by 17 March 2025. You are welcome and encouraged to nominate yourself. If you are nominating someone else, please get the candidate's consent. Please have the information listed in the application form as well as a photograph available when you summit the application.

Propose a candidate

Extraordinary Election 2025 for the BG Division

The Extraordinary Election 2025 for the BG Division for the next EGU BG Division President is currently open for all 2025 EGU member votes until 24 March 2025.

Each member will receive an email containing a personalised voting link at the start of the election.

Be aware that only 2025 EGU members are eligible to participate in the election. If you are not yet a member, please become a member or renew your membership if you wish to participate in the election. If you believe you are an 2025 EGU member, but did not receive a voting link, or registered as 2025 EGU member during the election, please contact the EGU Executive Office at

The full list of candidates standing up for election is available here.

Past election results